API Documentation


Welcome to the Electricity Maps API! You can use our API to get access to information about

Furthermore, you can use this API to get historical data, live data and forecasts.

Personal and commercial use

For personal use, the following endpoints are freely available with a token obtained on

Note: history endpoints only cover recent history (last 24 hours), while the commercial /past endpoint goes many years back.

For commercial use, the endpoints available depends on your contract. You can get a 1 month free trial for all endpoints (except /past) on or contact us to discuss how we can help you.


Getting data for a specific area can be done in multiple ways:

  1. use the zone parameter - see /v3/zones to get a list of zone keys available
  2. use coordinates with lon and lat parameters

⚠️ Auto fallback: If no zone is detected (or we don't have data for that area), the API will attempt to use your current location based on IP of the caller. This can be actively disabled by setting the shouldUseFallbackCallerLookup query parameter to false.


All endpoints return estimated data by default for timestamps when measured data is not available.

The isEstimated flag in the the returned JSON indicates whether the result is estimated or not, and the estimationMethod field indicates what model was used to generate that estimate. Documentation about estimation models can be found here.

To disable estimations in the returned JSON, the disableEstimations parameter can be set to true.

Emission factors

For the carbon-intensity endpoints you can specify the type of emissionFactors to use. To use this, include a emissionFactorType=??? parameter in your request. The supported parameters are direct and lifecycle. The default parameter is lifecycle.

The emission factors used can be viewed here.


All endpoints return data with a resolution of 1 hour.


To authorize, use this code:

# In a shell, you should pass the correct header with each request
curl ''
  -H 'auth-token: myapitoken'

Make sure to replace myapitoken with your API key.

The API key should be included as a header in all requests:

auth-token: myapitoken

Don't have an API key? Check our available plans.



Used without an auth-token

curl ''

Above commands returns a json object containing all zones:

  "AD": {
    "zoneName": "Andorra"
  "AE": {
    "zoneName": "United Arab Emirates"
  "US-CAR-DUK": {
    "countryName": "United States of America",
    "zoneName": "Duke Energy Carolinas"

Used with an auth-token:

curl '' \
  -H 'auth-token: myapitoken'

Above command returns a json object containing the zones and routes accessible with the token:

  "PL": {
    "zoneName": "Poland",
    "access": ["*"]
  "PT": {
    "zoneName": "Portugal",
    "access": [

This endpoint returns all zones available if no auth-token is provided.

If an auth-token is provided, it returns a list of zones and routes available with this token.

HTTP Request



Can be used without an auth-token

curl ''

The above command returns the status of the API:

  "monitors": {
    "state": "ok"
  "status": "ok"

This endpoint can be used to automatically verify that the Electricity Maps API is up.

HTTP Request


Live carbon intensity

curl '' \
  -H 'auth-token: myapitoken'

The above command returns a JSON with units in gCO2eq/kWh:

  "zone": "DE",
  "carbonIntensity": 302,
  "datetime": "2018-04-25T18:07:00.350Z",
  "updatedAt": "2018-04-25T18:07:01.000Z",
  "emissionFactorType": "lifecycle",
  "isEstimated": true,
  "estimationMethod": "TIME_SLICER_AVERAGE"

This endpoint retrieves the last known carbon intensity (in gCO2eq/kWh) of electricity consumed in an area. It can either be queried by zone identifier or by geolocation.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
zone A string representing the zone identifier
lon Longitude (if querying with a geolocation)
lat Latitude (if querying with a geolocation)
emissionFactorType (optional) type of emission factors used for computing the carbon intensity
disableEstimations (optional) boolean (if estimated data should be disabled)

Live power breakdown

curl '' \
  -H 'auth-token: myapitoken'

The above command returns JSON with units in % and MW:

  "zone": "FR",
  "datetime": "2022-04-20T09:00:00.000Z",
  "updatedAt": "2022-04-20T06:40:32.246Z",
  "createdAt": "2022-04-14T17:30:23.620Z",
  "powerConsumptionBreakdown": {
    "nuclear": 31479,
    "geothermal": 0,
    "biomass": 753,
    "coal": 227,
    "wind": 8122,
    "solar": 4481,
    "hydro": 7106,
    "gas": 6146,
    "oil": 341,
    "unknown": 2,
    "hydro discharge": 1013,
    "battery discharge": 0
  "powerProductionBreakdown": {
    "nuclear": 31438,
    "geothermal": null,
    "biomass": 740,
    "coal": 219,
    "wind": 8034,
    "solar": 4456,
    "hydro": 7099,
    "gas": 6057,
    "oil": 341,
    "unknown": null,
    "hydro discharge": 1012,
    "battery discharge": null
  "powerImportBreakdown": {
    "GB": 548
  "powerExportBreakdown": {
    "GB": 0
  "fossilFreePercentage": 89,
  "renewablePercentage": 36,
  "powerConsumptionTotal": 59670,
  "powerProductionTotal": 59396,
  "powerImportTotal": 548,
  "powerExportTotal": 0,
  "isEstimated": true,
  "estimationMethod": "TIME_SLICER_AVERAGE"

This endpoint retrieves the last known data about the origin of electricity in an area.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
zone A string representing the zone identifier
lon Longitude (if querying with a geolocation)
lat Latitude (if querying with a geolocation)
disableEstimations (optional) boolean (if estimated data should be disabled)

Recent carbon intensity history

curl '' \
  -H 'auth-token: myapitoken'

The above command returns a JSON with units in gCO2eq/kWh:

  "zone": "DE",
  "history": [
      "carbonIntensity": 413,
      "datetime": "2021-08-18T13:00:00.000Z",
      "updatedAt": "2021-08-19T08:40:20.886Z",
      "createdAt": "2021-08-15T13:40:15.544Z",
      "emissionFactorType": "lifecycle",
      "isEstimated": false,
      "estimationMethod": null
      "carbonIntensity": 338,
      "datetime": "2021-08-19T12:00:00.000Z",
      "updatedAt": "2021-08-19T12:39:55.666Z",
      "createdAt": "2021-08-16T12:39:45.450Z",
      "emissionFactorType": "lifecycle",
      "isEstimated": false,
      "estimationMethod": null

This endpoint retrieves the last 24 hours of carbon intensity (in gCO2eq/kWh) of an area. It can either be queried by zone identifier or by geolocation. The resolution is 60 minutes.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
zone A string representing the zone identifier
lon Longitude (if querying with a geolocation)
lat Latitude (if querying with a geolocation)
emissionFactorType (optional) type of emission factors used for computing the carbon intensity
disableEstimations (optional) boolean (if estimated data should be disabled)

Recent power breakdown history

curl '' \
  -H 'auth-token: myapitoken'

The above command returns JSON with units in % and MW:

  "zone": "DK-DK1",
  "history": [
      "datetime": "2018-04-24T19:00:00.000Z",
      "fossilFreePercentage": 75,
      "powerConsumptionBreakdown": {
        "biomass": 81,
        "coal": 395,
        "gas": 213,
        "geothermal": 0,
        "hydro": 521,
        "hydro discharge": 0,
        "battery discharge": null,
        "nuclear": 0,
        "oil": 9,
        "solar": 2,
        "unknown": 10,
        "wind": 1288
      "powerConsumptionTotal": 2519,
      "powerImportBreakdown": {
        "DE": 0,
        "DK-DK1": 495,
        "SE": 445
      "powerImportTotal": 940,
      "powerExportBreakdown": {
        "DE": 35,
        "DK-DK1": 0,
        "SE": 0
      "powerExportTotal": 35,
      "powerProductionBreakdown": {
        "battery discharge": null,
        "biomass": 666,
        "coal": 260,
        "gas": 213,
        "geothermal": 0,
        "hydro": 0,
        "hydro discharge": null,
        "nuclear": 0,
        "oil": 24,
        "solar": 0,
        "unknown": 0,
        "wind": 176
      "powerProductionTotal": 1339,
      "renewablePercentage": 75,
      "isEstimated": false,
      "estimationMethod": null

This endpoint retrieves the last 24 hours of power consumption and production breakdown of an area, which represents the physical origin of electricity broken down by production type. It can either be queried by zone identifier or by geolocation. The resolution is 60 minutes.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
zone A string representing the zone identifier
lon Longitude (if querying with a geolocation)
lat Latitude (if querying with a geolocation)
disableEstimations (optional) boolean (if estimated data should be disabled)

Past carbon intensity history

curl '' \
  -H 'auth-token: myapitoken'

The above command returns a JSON with units in gCO2eq/kWh:

  "zone": "DE",
  "carbonIntensity": 322,
  "datetime": "2019-05-21T00:00:00.000Z",
  "updatedAt": "2022-04-07T15:32:21.002Z",
  "createdAt": "2022-02-08T06:20:31.772Z",
  "emissionFactorType": "lifecycle",
  "isEstimated": false,
  "estimationMethod": null

This endpoint retrieves a past carbon intensity (in gCO2eq/kWh) of an area. It can either be queried by zone identifier or by geolocation. The resolution is 60 minutes.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
zone A string representing the zone identifier
lon Longitude (if querying with a geolocation)
lat Latitude (if querying with a geolocation)
datetime datetime in ISO format
emissionFactorType (optional) type of emission factors used for computing the carbon intensity
disableEstimations (optional) boolean (if estimated data should be disabled)

Past carbon intensity history (range)

curl '' \
  -H 'auth-token: myapitoken'

The above command returns a JSON with units in gCO2eq/kWh for the specified timeframe:

  "zone": "DE",
  "data": [
      "zone": "DE",
      "carbonIntensity": 339,
      "datetime": "2019-05-21T21:00:00.000Z",
      "updatedAt": "2022-04-07T15:32:36.348Z",
      "createdAt": "2022-02-08T06:20:31.772Z",
      "emissionFactorType": "lifecycle",
      "isEstimated": false,
      "estimationMethod": null
      "zone": "DE",
      "carbonIntensity": 317,
      "datetime": "2019-05-21T22:00:00.000Z",
      "updatedAt": "2022-04-07T15:32:36.348Z",
      "createdAt": "2022-02-08T06:17:02.676Z",
      "emissionFactorType": "lifecycle",
      "isEstimated": false,
      "estimationMethod": null
      "zone": "DE",
      "carbonIntensity": 305,
      "datetime": "2019-05-21T23:00:00.000Z",
      "updatedAt": "2022-04-07T15:32:36.348Z",
      "createdAt": "2022-02-08T06:17:21.012Z",
      "emissionFactorType": "lifecycle",
      "isEstimated": false,
      "estimationMethod": null

This endpoint retrieves a past carbon intensity (in gCO2eq/kWh) of an area within a given date range. It can either be queried by zone identifier or by geolocation. The resolution is 60 minutes. The time range is limited to 10 days.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
zone A string representing the zone identifier
lon Longitude (if querying with a geolocation)
lat Latitude (if querying with a geolocation)
start datetime in ISO format
end datetime in ISO format (excluded)
disableEstimations (optional) boolean (if estimated data should be disabled)

Past power breakdown history

curl '' \
  -H 'auth-token: myapitoken'

The above command returns a JSON with the power breakdown for the specified datetime:

  "zone": "DK-DK1",
  "datetime": "2020-01-04T00:00:00.000Z",
  "updatedAt": "2022-04-07T09:35:03.914Z",
  "createdAt": "2022-02-04T15:49:58.284Z",
  "powerConsumptionBreakdown": {
    "nuclear": 65,
    "geothermal": 0,
    "biomass": 188,
    "coal": 195,
    "wind": 1642,
    "solar": 0,
    "hydro": 13,
    "gas": 72,
    "oil": 8,
    "unknown": 5,
    "hydro discharge": 0,
    "battery discharge": 0
  "powerProductionBreakdown": {
    "nuclear": null,
    "geothermal": null,
    "biomass": 319,
    "coal": 287,
    "wind": 3088,
    "solar": 0,
    "hydro": 2,
    "gas": 97,
    "oil": 10,
    "unknown": 3,
    "hydro discharge": null,
    "battery discharge": null
  "powerImportBreakdown": {
    "DE": 1070,
    "NL": 0,
    "SE": 0,
    "DK-DK2": 0,
    "NO-NO2": 0
  "powerExportBreakdown": {
    "DE": 0,
    "NL": 700,
    "SE": 12,
    "DK-DK2": 589,
    "NO-NO2": 1387
  "fossilFreePercentage": 87,
  "renewablePercentage": 84,
  "powerConsumptionTotal": 2188,
  "powerProductionTotal": 3806,
  "powerImportTotal": 1070,
  "powerExportTotal": 2687,
  "isEstimated": false,
  "estimationMethod": null

This endpoint retrieves a past power breakdown of an area. It can either be queried by zone identifier or by geolocation. The resolution is 60 minutes.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
zone A string representing the zone identifier
lon Longitude (if querying with a geolocation)
lat Latitude (if querying with a geolocation)
datetime datetime in ISO format
disableEstimations (optional) boolean (if estimated data should be disabled)

Past power breakdown history (range)

curl '' \
  -H 'auth-token: myapitoken'

The above command returns a JSON with the power breakdown for the specified timeframe:

  "zone": "DE",
  "data": [
      "zone": "DK-DK1",
      "datetime": "2020-01-04T00:00:00.000Z",
      "updatedAt": "2022-04-07T09:35:03.914Z",
      "createdAt": "2022-02-04T15:49:58.284Z",
      "powerConsumptionBreakdown": {
        "nuclear": 65,
        "geothermal": 0,
        "biomass": 188,
        "coal": 195,
        "wind": 1642,
        "solar": 0,
        "hydro": 13,
        "gas": 72,
        "oil": 8,
        "unknown": 5,
        "hydro discharge": 0,
        "battery discharge": 0
      "powerProductionBreakdown": {
        "nuclear": null,
        "geothermal": null,
        "biomass": 319,
        "coal": 287,
        "wind": 3088,
        "solar": 0,
        "hydro": 2,
        "gas": 97,
        "oil": 10,
        "unknown": 3,
        "hydro discharge": null,
        "battery discharge": null
      "powerImportBreakdown": {
        "DE": 1070,
        "NL": 0,
        "SE": 0,
        "DK-DK2": 0,
        "NO-NO2": 0
      "powerExportBreakdown": {
        "DE": 0,
        "NL": 700,
        "SE": 12,
        "DK-DK2": 589,
        "NO-NO2": 1387
      "fossilFreePercentage": 87,
      "renewablePercentage": 84,
      "powerConsumptionTotal": 2188,
      "powerProductionTotal": 3806,
      "powerImportTotal": 1070,
      "powerExportTotal": 2687,
      "isEstimated": false,
      "estimationMethod": null

This endpoint retrieves a past power breakdown of an area within a given date range. It can either be queried by zone identifier or by geolocation. The resolution is 60 minutes. The time range is limited to 10 days.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
zone A string representing the zone identifier
lon Longitude (if querying with a geolocation)
lat Latitude (if querying with a geolocation)
start datetime in ISO format
end datetime in ISO format (excluded)
disableEstimations (optional) boolean (if estimated data should be disabled)

Forecasted carbon intensity

curl '' \
  -H 'auth-token: myapitoken'

The above command returns a JSON with units in gCO2eq/kWh:

  "zone": "DK-DK2",
  "forecast": [
      "carbonIntensity": 326,
      "datetime": "2018-11-26T17:00:00.000Z"
      "carbonIntensity": 297,
      "datetime": "2018-11-26T18:00:00.000Z"
      "carbonIntensity": 194,
      "datetime": "2018-11-28T17:00:00.000Z"
  "updatedAt": "2018-11-26T17:25:24.685Z"

This endpoint retrieves the forecasted carbon intensity (in gCO2eq/kWh) of an area. It can either be queried by zone identifier or by geolocation.

By default, this endpoint returns 24 hours of forecasts. The forecasts span from horizon 0, which is the start of the current hour, to horizon 23. Ex: if the date and time is currently 2024-03-02 13:12:39 GMT, then the forecasts will cover the range from 2024-03-02 13:00:00 GMT to 2024-03-03 12:00:00 GMT.

You can supply an optional horizonHours query parameter to receive forecasts for a different time horizon. If you specify 24 for the horizonHours parameter, you will receive 24 hours of forecasts. For now, it can only accept a value of 24 hours. This will get updated in the future as we support longer horizons.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
zone A string representing the zone identifier
lon Longitude (if querying with a geolocation)
lat Latitude (if querying with a geolocation)

Forecasted power breakdown

curl '' \
  -H 'auth-token: myapitoken'

The above command returns JSON with units in % and MW:

  "zone": "DE",
  "data": [
      "zone": "DE",
      "datetime": "2022-06-01T13:00:00.000Z",
      "updatedAt": null,
      "createdAt": null,
      "powerConsumptionBreakdown": {
        "nuclear": 3624,
        "geothermal": 18,
        "biomass": 4734,
        "coal": 16987,
        "wind": 7724,
        "solar": 24355,
        "hydro": 2884,
        "gas": 6832,
        "oil": 12,
        "unknown": 344,
        "hydro discharge": 104,
        "battery discharge": 0
      "powerProductionBreakdown": {
        "nuclear": 3624,
        "geothermal": 20,
        "biomass": 5151,
        "coal": 18753,
        "wind": 8001,
        "solar": 27053,
        "hydro": 1879,
        "gas": 7376,
        "oil": 8,
        "unknown": 346,
        "hydro discharge": -2466,
        "battery discharge": null
      "powerImportBreakdown": {},
      "powerExportBreakdown": {},
      "fossilFreePercentage": 64,
      "renewablePercentage": 59,
      "powerConsumptionTotal": 67618,
      "powerProductionTotal": 72211,
      "powerImportTotal": null,
      "powerExportTotal": null,
      "isEstimated": null,
      "estimationMethod": null
      "zone": "DE",
      "datetime": "2022-06-01T19:00:00.000Z",
      "updatedAt": null,
      "createdAt": null,
      "powerConsumptionBreakdown": {
        "nuclear": 3624,
        "geothermal": 18,
        "biomass": 4734,
        "coal": 16987,
        "wind": 7724,
        "solar": 24355,
        "hydro": 2884,
        "gas": 6832,
        "oil": 12,
        "unknown": 344,
        "hydro discharge": 104,
        "battery discharge": 0
      "powerProductionBreakdown": {
        "nuclear": 3624,
        "geothermal": 20,
        "biomass": 5151,
        "coal": 18753,
        "wind": 8001,
        "solar": 27053,
        "hydro": 1879,
        "gas": 7376,
        "oil": 8,
        "unknown": 346,
        "hydro discharge": -2466,
        "battery discharge": null
      "powerImportBreakdown": {},
      "powerExportBreakdown": {},
      "fossilFreePercentage": 64,
      "renewablePercentage": 59,
      "powerConsumptionTotal": 67618,
      "powerProductionTotal": 72211,
      "powerImportTotal": null,
      "powerExportTotal": null,
      "isEstimated": null,
      "estimationMethod": null

This endpoint retrieves the most recent forecasted data about the origin of electricity in an area.

Note that for some zones, only the power production, or power consumption breakdown is available. Forecasts of imports and exports are unavailable at the moment.

By default, this endpoint returns 24 hours of forecasts. The forecasts span from horizon 0, which is the start of the current hour, to horizon 23. Ex: if the date and time is currently 2024-03-02 13:12:39 GMT, then the forecasts will cover the range from 2024-03-02 13:00:00 GMT to 2024-03-03 12:00:00 GMT.

You can supply an optional horizonHours query parameter to receive forecasts for a different time horizon. If you specify 24 for the horizonHours parameter, you will receive 24 hours of forecasts. For now, it can only accept a value of 24 hours. This will get updated in the future as we support longer horizons.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
zone A string representing the zone identifier
lon Longitude (if querying with a geolocation)
lat Latitude (if querying with a geolocation)

Forecasted power production breakdown

curl '' \
  -H 'auth-token: myapitoken'

The above command returns JSON with units in MW:

  "zone": "DE",
  "forecast": [
      "powerProductionBreakdown": {
        "nuclear": 4392,
        "biomass": 5178,
        "coal": 25078,
        "wind": 7706,
        "solar": 28604,
        "hydro": 1659,
        "gas": 9602,
        "oil": 65,
        "unknown": 0
      "datetime": "2022-06-01T13:00:00.000Z",
      "powerProductionTotal": 82284
      "powerProductionBreakdown": {
        "nuclear": 4386,
        "biomass": 5196,
        "coal": 25566,
        "wind": 7818,
        "solar": 23762,
        "hydro": 1711,
        "gas": 10312,
        "oil": 67,
        "unknown": 0
      "datetime": "2022-06-01T14:00:00.000Z",
      "powerProductionTotal": 78818
  "updatedAt": "2022-06-01T12:55:37.578Z"

This endpoint retrieves the forecasted power production breakdown of an area by production type. It can either be queried by zone identifier or by geolocation.

By default, this endpoint returns 24 hours of forecasts. The forecasts span from horizon 0, which is the start of the current hour, to horizon 23. Ex: if the date and time is currently 2024-03-02 13:12:39 GMT, then the forecasts will cover the range from 2024-03-02 13:00:00 GMT to 2024-03-03 12:00:00 GMT.

You can supply an optional horizonHours query parameter to receive forecasts for a different time horizon. If you specify 24 for the horizonHours parameter, you will receive 24 hours of forecasts. For now, it can only accept a value of 24 hours. This will get updated in the future as we support longer horizons.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
zone A string representing the zone identifier
lon Longitude (if querying with a geolocation)
lat Latitude (if querying with a geolocation)

Forecasted power consumption breakdown

curl '' \
  -H 'auth-token: myapitoken'

The above command returns JSON with units in MW:

  "zone": "DK-DK2",
  "forecast": [
      "powerConsumptionBreakdown": {
        "biomass": 483,
        "coal": 475,
        "gas": 338,
        "hydro": 632,
        "nuclear": 383,
        "solar": 4,
        "wind": 188,
        "unknown": 69
      "datetime": "2018-11-26T17:00:00.000Z",
      "powerConsumptionTotal": 2572
      "powerConsumptionBreakdown": {
        "biomass": 459,
        "coal": 441,
        "gas": 308,
        "hydro": 639,
        "nuclear": 382,
        "solar": 0,
        "wind": 167,
        "unknown": 68
      "datetime": "2018-11-26T18:00:00.000Z",
      "powerConsumptionTotal": 2464
      "powerConsumptionBreakdown": {
        "biomass": 158,
        "coal": 652,
        "gas": 385,
        "hydro": 326,
        "nuclear": 169,
        "solar": 44,
        "wind": 210,
        "unknown": 36
      "datetime": "2018-11-27T17:00:00.000Z",
      "powerConsumptionTotal": 1980
  "updatedAt": "2018-11-26T17:26:57.091Z"

This endpoint retrieves the forecasted power consumption breakdown of an area, which represents the physical origin of electricity broken down by production type. It can either be queried by zone identifier or by geolocation.

By default, this endpoint returns 24 hours of forecasts. The forecasts span from horizon 0, which is the start of the current hour, to horizon 23. Ex: if the date and time is currently 2024-03-02 13:12:39 GMT, then the forecasts will cover the range from 2024-03-02 13:00:00 GMT to 2024-03-03 12:00:00 GMT.

You can supply an optional horizonHours query parameter to receive forecasts for a different time horizon. If you specify 24 for the horizonHours parameter, you will receive 24 hours of forecasts. For now, it can only accept a value of 24 hours. This will get updated in the future as we support longer horizons.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
zone A string representing the zone identifier
lon Longitude (if querying with a geolocation)
lat Latitude (if querying with a geolocation)

Past marginal carbon intensity history

curl '' \
  -H 'auth-token: myapitoken'

The above command returns the following JSON with units in gCO2eq/kWh:

  "zone": "GB",
  "carbonIntensity": 359,
  "datetime": "2023-01-04T00:00:00.000Z",
  "updatedAt": "2023-10-01T18:30:28.708Z",
  "createdAt": "2023-07-06T12:57:18.612Z",
  "emissionFactorType": "lifecycle",
  "isEstimated": false,
  "estimationMethod": null

This endpoint retrieves a past marginal carbon intensity (in gCO2eq/kWh) of an area. It can either be queried by zone identifier or by geolocation. The resolution is 60 minutes. The delay with the latest available data is between 1 and 2 months.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
zone A string representing the zone identifier
lon Longitude (if querying with a geolocation)
lat Latitude (if querying with a geolocation)
datetime datetime in ISO format
disableEstimations (optional) boolean (if estimated data should be disabled)

Past marginal carbon intensity history (range)

curl '' \
  -H 'auth-token: myapitoken'

The above command returns a JSON with units in gCO2eq/kWh for the specified timeframe:

  "zone": "GB",
  "data": [
      "zone": "GB",
      "carbonIntensity": 362,
      "datetime": "2023-01-04T01:00:00.000Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-10-01T18:30:28.708",
      "createdAt": "2023-07-06T12:57:18.612Z",
      "emissionFactorType": "lifecycle",
      "isEstimated": false,
      "estimationMethod": null
      "zone": "GB",
      "carbonIntensity": 369,
      "datetime": "2023-01-04T02:00:00.000Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-10-01T18:30:28.708",
      "createdAt": "2023-07-06T12:57:18.612Z",
      "emissionFactorType": "lifecycle",
      "isEstimated": false,
      "estimationMethod": null
      "zone": "GB",
      "carbonIntensity": 368,
      "datetime": "2023-01-04T03:00:00.000Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-10-01T18:30:28.708",
      "createdAt": "2023-07-06T12:57:18.612Z",
      "emissionFactorType": "lifecycle",
      "isEstimated": false,
      "estimationMethod": null

This endpoint retrieves a past marginal carbon intensity (in gCO2eq/kWh) of an area within a given date range. It can either be queried by zone identifier or by geolocation. The resolution is 60 minutes. The time range is limited to 10 days. The delay with the latest available data is between 1 and 2 months.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
zone A string representing the zone identifier
lon Longitude (if querying with a geolocation)
lat Latitude (if querying with a geolocation)
start datetime in ISO format
end datetime in ISO format (excluded)
disableEstimations (optional) boolean (if estimated data should be disabled)

Updated Since

curl '' \
  -H 'auth-token: myapitoken'

The above command returns timestamps of updates that have been made to a specific zone since a specified date.

  "zone": "DK-DK1",
  "updates": [
      "updated_at": "2020-02-07T11:54:55.581Z",
      "datetime": "2020-02-05T00:00:00.000Z"
      "updated_at": "2020-02-07T11:54:55.581Z",
      "datetime": "2020-02-05T23:00:00.000Z"
      "updated_at": "2020-02-07T11:54:55.581Z",
      "datetime": "2020-02-05T00:00:00.000Z"
  "threshold": "P1D",
  "limit": 100,
  "limitReached": false

This endpoint returns a list of timestamps where data has been updated since a specified date for a specified zone. The 'start' and 'end' parameters can be used to specify a limited timeframe in which to search. Furthermore, the 'threshold' parameter can be used to filter the timestamps to only include entries with a difference between 'datetime' and 'updated_at' higher than the threshold. It can either be queried by zone identifier or by geolocation.

Access to this endpoint is only authorized if the token has access to one or more 'past' endpoints.

HTTP Request


Query Parameters

Parameter Description
zone A string representing the zone identifier
lon Longitude (if querying with a geolocation)
lat Latitude (if querying with a geolocation)
since datetime in ISO format
start (optional) datetime in ISO format
end (optional) datetime in ISO format
limit (optional) number, limit of the number of entries to output (max 1000) (default 100)
threshold (optional) duration in ISO 8601 format, filter for entries to include those only where the difference between datetime and updated_at is higher than the threshold. (default PT0H0M0S)
disableEstimations (optional) boolean (if estimated data should be disabled)